Community Management of Non-Timber Forest Products The inhabitants of our target regions live on petty trading, farming, hunting, gathering and trapping. Since agriculture and other farm-related activities are the main occupations, daily survival is an immediate priority for the vast majority of these people, yet low levels of institutional support, out-dated and non-appropriate technologies render the survival process precarious and at best subsistent. The cumulative result of these negative forces is the unsustainable exploitation of the natural resource base because in attempting to cope with poverty and hunger, desperate people have little or no time to think about the effects of their actions on the forests, streams, lakes, wetlands and scrublands on which they depend. This translates into many forms of environmental degradation that accentuate the poverty specter even further. The purpose of the Regional Eco-Wealth initiative is to empower communities to use consultations to create institutions that will guide them to develop community capacity to manage non-timber forest products for sustainable production and plant conservation in the five target regions of the Congo Basin. This will be achieved through the creation,training and institution-strengthening of democratic community institutions in each of the beneficiary communities. The initiative proposes actions that actively support the creation and capacity strengthening of community institutions to develop and implement NTFP Management Plans that address conservation and livelihood issues through regeneration, sustainable harvesting, value addition, post-harvest management, marketing of key species of NTFPs and equitable sharing of benefits.